Welcome to
Cahill Seeds
Est. 1996
One of the largest seed growers in the state of Montana. We serve a large area surrounding eastern Montana, including several other states and Canada.

We are Seed. We do Seed.
At Cahill Seeds, it is our job to identify, test, multiply and prepare the best genetics solutions to assist growers and processors. We work with plant breeders throughout the world to find those solutions. At Cahill Seeds we are seed, we do seed.

We are Seed…
We do Seed Treating. Our professional seed application equipment and advice coupled with unique chemistries, nutrition, and biologicals provide the path to success for our genetics.
Seed Varieties
Please call or email to inquire about specific seeds and their availability.
We are Seed. Genetics we carry:
- Wheat – Spring, Winter, and Durum
- Peas – Yellow, Green, Austrian, and Forage
- Lentils – Green, Red, and Specialty types.
- Chickpeas – Large and small Kabuli and Desi
- Canola – Round-up, Liberty, Non-GMO
- Flax
- Mustard – Yellow, Brown, Oriental, and the NEW Hybrids
- Barley – Feed, Forage, and Malt
- Grasses and Alfalfa – Hay Mixes, Pasture, or CRP
- Cover Crops / Pollinator Mixes
- Other Forages – Triticale, Millet, Sorghum Sudan